About Us

RewonGear understands what it takes to be an athlete, an artist, and a fighter. The spirit that drives the maddening hunger for glory and greatness is directly proportional to the need for self-improvement.

RewonGear provides the  high-quality and affordable products in the lines of Boxing, MMA & Fitness that helps to enhance your training experience and last you a career.

What we know best – are the pains that come with it. That is why we believe that no matter what the cost – YOU, the athlete comes first.

When we make our way to the weighing scales – we come in lean, powerful, and ready to dominate. It won’t be long before our gear coats you, and with it, greatness.

We give athletes of all levels what they need to succeed – technologically advanced high-quality sporting products they can rely on, specifically designed to enhance technique and performance in the lines of Mixed.